12th July, 2020

Dear friends,

Everything seems to be fine at George’s Place. Nora who is a member of our Management Committee visited on Friday and spent some time with the boys and staff checking everything is running smoothly. She enjoyed her time and commented that although this is not easy work it was wonderful being involved and seeing how the boy’s lives are being changed.

‘For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.’ Isaiah 55 v8/9

We have arranged for two teachers from their school, Maranatha Christian School, to come to George’s Place twice a week, to help the boys in their education as it doesn’t look like schools will be back for a few months yet. Shadrach sent some photos to me early Monday morning and they have turned one of the garages into a classroom, – everyone is working hard!

Big Brian has also managed to find work in a local hardware shop, hopefully he will be able to resume his plumbing/welding course at Don Bosco when they reopen. Tim is continuing to do well at the bakery and Augustine has found building work.

We give thanks to The Lord, for the way things are moving forward even through these difficult times and for the commitment of the staff and Management Committee to ensure that everything is operating well and efficiently.

With love and prayers.
