A group of our street boys

18th May, 2020

Dear friends,

I spoke to all the boys at George’s Place for about an hour last Monday. Shadrach had linked the laptop to the television so they could all see and hear me. It was wonderful talking to them all and seeing how much they have grown. The older boys were asking for pork but I have said they can have this when the lockdown is over and the others have returned, then they can have a real celebration, with chicken or pork and sodas. Cake – when I arrive back. It seemed to meet with everyone’s approval.

Dennis has asked to use one of the medical rooms to study as there is so much noise everywhere else!

‘The Lord is close to the broken-hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.’ Psalm 34 v18

I have heard from other organisations who work with boys on the streets that things are difficult for them, especially those feeding the boys regularly. One young Uganda lady I know has taken in five extra girls and three families, she is struggling to feed them all. It’s very difficult when children are hungry to ignore their requests for help so we need wisdom and guidance as we support others.

Gorette one of our cooks, who has worked for Homes of Promise, since we started (the older boys are cooking during lockdown) has been in contact with Shadrach – he went to see her on Sunday. The area where she is living is flooded and water comes into the house when it rains. She has twins at Secondary school and an older daughter in vocational training that HoP support. She is finding it difficult to manage with them all home and is asking for help. We have been paying our staff their full wages during the lockdown and hopefully will be able to continue in the weeks ahead. It makes me realise how blessed many of us are with well-built homes, fridges full of food, amazing hospitals – please be praying for the people of Uganda many in difficult situations.

The bicycle we bought for local transport is proving useful, though a new inner tube was needed this week, not surprising when you see the state of the roads near GP.

I also had a message from the lady, Hedwig, who we gave two boxes of baby clothes to a few months ago, she has been distributing these in her village.

I did manage to have a couple of walks over the last few days, meeting up with friends – it felt really good being able to walk, talk and share, even at a distance. I do hope and pray you are all keeping safe and well. There are many encouraging church services, talks and books to download to keep us occupied.

Thank you once again for your support to Homes of Promise, please pray for us as we make difficult decisions about who else we are able to help in Uganda during these hard times.

Love and prayers
