Brian, Sula, Saidi and Beckham go to their families for Christmas, Benard’s birthday, the boys go to the football Academy on Thursday
Sunday 22nd December 2024
Dear friends,
Last Sunday evening I attended the ‘Carols by Candlelight’ service around the pool at Kampala International Church, lots of families were there and one of the young children even read a Lesson – this was followed by mulled wine (which wasn’t good! – I’ll share a recipe with Ian for next year).
We were in the office Monday and Tuesday contacting the relatives of the boys who are visiting them for Christmas. Young Brian, Sula and Saidi left Tuesday and arrived safely, one to a village near Musaka, one locally and one in Lira, there was a diversion as the road to Lira is closed due to floods and Saidi didn’t arrive until 11pm! Beckham’s father arrived on Wednesday to collect him, he will be bringing him back on the 28th.
Petra, Peace and I went to George’s Place on Wednesday as we were celebrating Benard’s birthday with cake and sodas, after singing ‘happy birthday’ Victor picked Benard up and took him outside where they soaked him in water and rubbed mud in his hair – obviously a Ugandan custom!
We took the sign writer with us who painted an ‘assembly point’ notice on our wall near the gate.
‘Maranatha, come, Lord Jesus’
Later Peace, Benard and I talked with Joseph who is hoping to go back to National Water for his final internship – he is wanting to get a job with them. We also talked with Griffin who really wants to work in a hotel in Kampala, we are not sure if he will be able to afford rent here – but first he needs to finish another internship. Joseph (Yusuf) is also looking for an internship and Peace has spoken to someone she knows who has a farm. On Friday Tresor took these boys back to college to collect their Log Books for the internships.
Later in the afternoon on Wednesday, Petra, Peace and I went for our Christmas lunch – fish and chips!
Thursday morning in heavy rain the boys went for a football match to the Academy – most of them don’t mind the rain! Sadly they lost all the matches!
Patrick our Security man has gone to Arua to be with his family for Christmas. Steven our new deputy warden has been staying at G.P. since the boys have all been home, he gets on well with the boys and seems to enjoy football! I visited on Saturday afternoon but the weather wasn’t warm enough to take the boys swimming, they played in the compound and watched television.
Augustine is joining us for Christmas and Godfrey will probably be around. Halima has kindly agreed to cook Christmas Day so after church we will come back to George’s Place. Our boys are leading the prayers, doing the reading and lighting the candle at KIC.
Wishing you all a blessed and Happy Christmas. Thank you for all your generosity and kindness over the last year.
Love Jane x