Is it not to share your food with the hungry and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter – when you see the naked, to clothe them, and not to turn away from your own flesh and blood?

Isaiah 58 v7

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About Homes of Promise

Isaiah 58 v12…’You will be called Repairer of Broken Walls, Restorer of Streets with Dwellings.’

Homes of Promise is a Christian charity started in 2015 offering hope to the many vulnerable, poor and destitute in Uganda. Our vision is to see the words from Isaiah 58 come to fruition.

The main task of Homes of Promise is to rescue children from the poverty of life on the streets and, where possible, reconcile them to their families, find foster parents for orphans, and ensure that their physiological, psychological and spiritual needs are being met. The first home, George’s Place, opened in 2016.  It has the capacity for 30 boys at a time; transitional accommodation is offered, supporting boys to receive full time education including life skills and vocational training. A number of our boys have finished vocational courses and are now in apprenticeships to improve their skills and living back with their families.

We are based in Kampala where our work with street children started.

We were feeding between 50-70 boys, 3 times a week, treating minor cuts and grazes (taking those needing treatment to clinics or hospitals) providing clothes and restoring hope to the many orphans, vulnerable and abandoned homeless youngsters. It became apparent through this work of the need to provide a transitional home to offer these boys stability and education, whilst we located their relatives and helped with the reconciliation process.  Although we are not involved in street outreach at the present time we support other organisations doing this work, who recommend vulnerable youngsters to come into our care.

We also rebuild/restore homes for widows and their children in villages across the country, and provide building materials for organisations seeking to promote the Christian Faith.

In 2015 we supported a pilot scheme training local ophthalmologists in new glaucoma procedures which resulted in larger charities furthering the work in six countries across Sub-Saharan Africa.

Thank you for looking at our website and some of the work we have been undertaking. If you would like more information or wished to be added to our e-news, please email: and we will be delighted to get back to you!

Through our work, we aim to share the love of Christ.

Our latest news for 2025

Featured- boys camping at Fort Portal
New from Homes of Promise charity for January 12th 2025
Jane with charity workers and the former street boys
Christmas lunch for the Homes of Promise charity staff

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Homes of Promise Uganda Trustees

Jane Davidson

Jane Davidson


Since losing my husband George in 2009, I have been visiting and subsequently living and serving in Uganda. I have two sons, and two delightful grandchildren. George and I were also long term foster parents.

I am a member of Jesus Church, Forty Hill, have been a member of the PCC, was Churchwarden, and involved in junior church and toddlers.

Since my children were young I have been a member of the Mother’s Union, eventually serving for six years as the MU London Diocesan President.

Heather Holgate

Heather Holgate


I have a love for Africa and I have a love for children. Working as a children’s occupational therapist I have been able to travel to African countries sharing skills that have helped to change the lives of others.

I live in Cardiff where I attend and am actively involved in the Vineyard Church.

I know that God can change lives and I am pleased to serve Homes of Promise as a Trustee.

Ian Crofts

Ian Crofts


I retired to Teesside, Yorkshire in 2022 after 42 years of ordained ministry. I continue to lead services, take school acts of worship, and act as Duty Chaplain at Durham Cathedral once a month.

I am married with 2 children and 4 grandchildren. It is a great joy to be linked with Homes of Promise as a Trustee.

Before becoming a vicar I taught physics and am interested in scientific developments and issues of science and faith.

Geoff Hill

Geoff Hill


I am a Chartered Accountant having retired as a partner in a West End firm of Chartered Accountants in 2012. I am a trustee of a number of charities. I am pleased to share any expertise that I have gained over fifty years in the profession with those charities.

I am married with two adult children and four grandchildren.

I am a Christian and worship with my wife and daughter and her family at the Salvation Army in Enfield.

© Copyright - Homes of Promise Uganda 2025