Sunday 2nd June 2024
Dear friends,
All the boys were back at school/college on Monday, apart from Isaac (Joseph) and Dan. For some reason Dan refused to have his head shaved (a school rule) and the school banned him! We have sorted the problem out now and it was more about needing new school shoes (his were too small) and no one had checked. He is now back at school, head shaved and shoes being bought! We have agreed that we need to talk with all the younger boys individually each holiday season, it’s so easy when most of the older boys are demanding attention to be negligent in making sure the young ones are fine. Isaac (Joseph) has agreed to go with us for home tracing one day next week, so our psychology worked! Ram joined P1, he seems ok.
Peace and I took Victor, Saviour and Sula to Connect Africa on Monday and the other older boys went in the minibus to their schools or were dropped off to catch matatus (taxi). Some have been in touch with me and seem fine.
“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.” Matthew 5:6
On Wednesday Jessie, Peace and I went to Mubende to resettle Ronald and see Asaph. We rented a room for Ronald and paid for an internship at a garage for him. We took his mattress, spanners, sheets, blankets and bought him a bed, bowls, Jerry can, cups, plates, plastic chair, flask, brooms, stove,etc. for his new home. He was really pleased especially when Peace said he could have melamine plates instead of plastic! It was a long day but it is good to know he is settled and not too far from his elderly father.
Tuesday morning on my way to work I noticed a young boy sleeping in direct sunshine by the road, I was concerned and on arriving at work Tresor and I went back to find him – he was still in the same place so we went to the local police post and asked them to come with us in case he was sick or worse. One of the officers called the local LC and by the time we arrived at where the boy was he had been moved to the shade. He didn’t wake or move until he was shaken roughly by the police officer and he wouldn’t answer any questions. He didn’t seem to be sick but was probably just hungry and dehydrated. Trésor went and bought him soda and food. Of course lots of locals gathered around saying his mother and two siblings weren’t far away and that they lived on the streets. I left the police our leaflet and phones no. This morning, Friday, I saw the family further along the road. It is very difficult for so many people here surviving hardships.
Benard is taking Joshua this morning to Register for his P7 exams, he will be taking them at a different school in Ntinda, Kampala. He will probably need more tuition but he is bright and is getting older and it would be good for him to be in Senior 1 next year.
Sadly Patrick (security) lost an uncle and has gone to Zombo for the funeral. He called on Brian in Arua and took him some of the tools he needed for working in the garage. Young Uncle Sam is working whilst Patrick is away.
Recently we received some money from Year Class 3 at Forty Hill Primary School where they were challenged to do ‘24 somethings’ e.g. read 24 books, run around the football field 24 times, do 24 acts of kindness, they amazingly raised nearly £1,000 towards our work. We are so grateful that these youngsters are interested and supportive of our boys. Many thanks to them all.
Thank you for all your love and support we really couldn’t exist without your loyalty and generosity.
With love and prayers.