What we do
Homes of Promise provides a transitional home for street boys offering education, life skills and vocational training. We also support Medical and Building projects.
Street Boys
George’s Place, which opened in 2016, is a home for up to 30 boys where we aim to reunite/reconcile boys with their families or resettle them in foster homes. We are registered as an NGO in Uganda and have ‘Approved Home’ status from the Ministry of Gender.
All our younger boys are in full time education or at vocational training colleges. Some of the older boys are in apprenticeships or internships, improving their skills before returning to their families where appropriate.
In 2015 we introduced our ‘Meals for Kids’ project, in which we fed up to 80 street children three times a week. We also offer washing facilities for themselves and their clothes, provide tee-shirts and trousers where needed and treat minor cuts and grazes. Through this work it became apparent that there was a need to open a home for vulnerable boys and help them reunite with their families. Although we stopped the ‘Meals for Kids’ project in 2016 we still support other organisations reaching out to street boys. Some of these organisations have recommended youngsters, who were in desperate need, to come into our care.
We take children who need medical treatment to clinics or hospitals and pay for their treatment.
In more serious cases we pay for medical operations for street children.
We sponsored an ‘ophthalmic pilot project’ to train a local ophthalmologist in new procedures using simulated eyes for glaucoma treatment
We build new homes for widows with children or grandchildren and those in desperate need.
We provide building materials for organisations seeking to promote the Christian faith.
We supply mattresses, blankets and general equipment for those in need.