The older boys go back to work, some of the our boys leave for holidays in the village, Management Meeting, mushroom growing course.
Sunday 15th December 2024
Dear friends,
On Monday after being in the office all morning Peace and I went to George’s Place to talk with the boys. We had a good time listening to them and asking who wanted to spend time with their relatives over Christmas. Augustine had gone back to Hope International to take his DIT exams, he has now gone back to Mukono to work, Omoding also went back to Tororo to register for his exams and stay with his family.
Robert, Shaffick, Ivan and Derek all went back to their towns/villages to work. Ronald is staying with us over the holiday period. Kasita left on Wednesday to spend Christmas with his family. Saturday after football Saviour and Joshua went to see their mum for a few hours.
Wednesday I took Santa back to GP to finish the deep cleaning. In the afternoon Peace and I resubmitted my papers to the NGO Board. Norah tells me the board may be amalgamating with the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the New Year so I’m not expecting much success in receiving the letter I need to reapply for a work permit imminently!
On Thursday we had a Management Meeting, unfortunately the Health Inspector was unable to attend but called and said he would deliver his Report to us shortly. Steven our new deputy warden took the boys and dogs on a long walk whilst we had our meeting and they all came back exhausted. We were able to give members of the management committee mushrooms, the dried ones are looking good.
“The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy.” Psalms 126:3
One evening this week, Christine and I went to see the Ugandan film about Janani Luwum the Anglican Archbishop who was martyred during the Idi Amin regime, one of the members of Kampala International Church was acting in it.
Friday the boys attended a course on mushroom growing, which they found really interesting, I think they are seeing this as a way to be making money and helping set up mushroom ‘rooms’ in their home villages. Tresor, Dan and Joseph (Yusuf) went to the Football Academy for their Christmas celebration.
Saturday afternoon the boys went to play a football match in Entebbe, against one of Watoto’s children’s home teams, I went to George’s Place in the morning to help the young ones make some tree decorations. Tim and his friend arrived as we were giving them dried food, (rice and posho) they’re about 15 youngsters surviving by dancing on TikTok.
There is a good atmosphere in George’s Place, which is amazing as the boys ages range from about 8 to 18 years, they are working together, helping, especially as Gorette is still off work with her bruised wrist and enjoying being home.
There is so much to be thankful for. Thank you for all your support and interest in our work.
Love Jane x