5th December, 2015
Dear friends,
I am sitting in the HIV/AIDS clinic in Kisenyi, with Timothy, situated outside, but under an awning, we were a bit late arriving even though we left home at 7.30am, it rained and the traffic just stopped completely so we sat and sat. Arriving eventually when the rain eased off at 8.30am.
Everyone here is being given advice on coping with their condition, a man is counselling them, they have been offered hand wash and toothpaste at very reasonable prices but most don’t seem to be able to afford to buy. Tim has spent half an hour playing on the iPad, hope he’s been listening as well, but after taking his tablets at 9am looks like he might be going to doze off. Since we’ve been here we bought mugs of sweet black tea (metal mugs) which was really appreciated as it’s cold and damp. The young lady selling it has just asked me for a job but I said I was sorry and didn’t need anyone. This looks like being an all day clinic and Tim keeps saying ‘you can go, I’m ok,’ which I might do shortly as Sue and I are off to Entebbe for a couple of nights to a hotel on the edge of Lake Victoria. Also I kind of stand out here and he might feel happier without me!
Yesterday at the Meals for Kids project it rained quite heavily, the delightful children from DRC who are always smiling and rarely miss a meal were there, but the two middle boys were wearing their mother’s tops, (it must be so difficult to get washing dry at the moment especially in the slums), which were enormous on them, with no trousers, they looked awful but still managed to smile and laugh at their predicament. We didn’t have any small Tshirts or trousers but will go to the market and look for some. (Handed these out on Friday).
‘We ask that you may be filled with the knowledge of God’s will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding so that you may lead lives worthy of the Lord.’ Colossians 1 9-10
I am looking forward to Katie visiting on 27th for a couple of weeks , I believe she might have room for a few items in her cases, if anyone has children’s tshirts I could find homes for them.
We’re still under the awning and Tim is insisting I go, so think I will, it’s 10.15am now and nothing seems to be happening apart from the counselling.
The couple of days Sue and I spent in Entebbe were really relaxing, we tried to meet up with Lynn Tembey (MU WW President) as she was travelling through Entebbe on a MAF flight en route from DRC to South Sudan but it just didn’t happen which was a shame.
Last Sunday afternoon I attended a carol service (African style) at Namirembe, it started at 2pm and finished at 7.30pm and was organised by ‘Daughters of the King,’ a young women’s organisation. The women sang, acted, danced, played drums etc. it was colourful and lively even though I understood very little of what was said! This week there is a Carols by Candlelight service in the Cathedral which I’m planning to go to, probably more traditional but who knows! I’ve also been invited to the High Commissioner’s home for a Carol service next Tuesday evening. Pat and I met up on Friday evening at an Italian restaurant so it’s been like a holiday this week.
Things are progressing slowly with the charity registration process but that’s life here and Nora knows the ropes – prayers would be appreciated (see top).
Love, prayers and blessings.