Charles’ operation scheduled for next week, Ian, Joseph, Johnson, Tresor go to Fort Portal for a few days, letter from NGO Board collected.
Sunday 19th January 2025
Dear friends,
I was in the office on Monday, Petra managed to come and work a few hours which was helpful – she has been at the hospital most of the time since the previous Monday. Charles seems to have stabilised and they are talking of operating on him next week. It is necessary to have a relative stay with you in hospital to provide you with food, drinks, sheets, washing basins, Jerry cans for water, towels, soap etc. Petra has been sleeping on a small mattress from home under Charles’ bed!
Tresor, Ian, Joseph (Yusuf) and Johnson went to Fort Portal for the week, camping on a tea plantation, visiting Ian’s farm and his Goat Project, going to the Rwenzori Mountains and visiting the Toro Botanical Gardens, some caves and a crater Lake. The boys have really enjoyed their time away and returned whilst I was at George’s Place on Saturday.
I visited the NGO Board on Thursday and am thankful to have at last received a letter so that I can apply for a renewal of my Work Permit. At one point I thought I had to resubmit my file yet again but after waiting 2 hours the letter was given me! I also managed to get a haircut that day.
“Blessed are the single-hearted, for they shall enjoy much peace. If you refuse to be hurried and pressed, if you stay your soul on God, nothing can keep you from that clearness of spirit which is life and peace. In that stillness you will know what His will is.” Amy Carmichael
The boys are all fine. The older Joseph is continuing work for National Water on an internship and getting enough to pay his own transport and lunches.
Sadly Griffin hasn’t found an internship yet. Prayers please. Yesterday, I took him to two hotels and have to phone them back this morning which sounded promising. Both these boys will leave GP in the next few months but we will continue helping them resettle. Derek in Iganga phoned to say he was unwell, he has now been to the clinic and will receive treatment for four days, (typhoid diagnosed).
Dennis has phoned me most days, he is working in a service station, whilst he awaits his exam results. He is fine just asked me to send his mattress as he’s sleeping on the floor!
Sula, Victor and Saviour all returned to Connect Africa last Monday to continue their vocational courses in hairdressing and catering. Benard went with them and they used the minibus as they had so much to take!
We are awaiting the return of young Brian – not so very young now and Saidi who both went to stay with relatives for Christmas. Kasita arrived yesterday, he was supposed to come last week but found some work in a shop. We had a long talk about careers, his future, he is doing well in school academically and in sports. Most of the younger boys went to football with Benard on Saturday and arrived home exhausted – it has been hot all week!
On returning from shopping Friday morning I saw Big Brian who left our care about 4 years ago , he was on his boda – working. I stopped and had a talk to him and noticed that some of his teeth were missing – he informed me, someone had tried to steal from him and he got in a fight – kept his money but lost his teeth!! He was laughing about it.
Peace has been at the Probation Office again this week and the Min. Of Gender, submitting our six monthly returns and our paperwork for renewal of our Children’s Home certification. Wheels turn slowly here.
Thank you for all your support, love, kindness and generosity to our work. We thank God that the boys lives are being changed in such positive ways and we are very proud of them.
With love and prayers.