Sunday 4th February, 2024
Dear friends,
There has been lots going on this week. Supplies have been bought for the boys going back to school and college, also shoes, school trousers, sandals and so much more. On Monday we were in the office working on the bank transfers for school/vocational fees and ordering scholastic materials that arrived early Wednesday morning.
Tuesday morning we had a planning meeting with Ken, Ian, Tresor, Peace, Petra and I in the conference room at John Paul II Centre. Where we talked about our plans for the year ahead as an organisation and also plans for some of the boys.
‘May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.’ Romans 15:13
On Wednesday Tresor and Jessie took Victor and Saviour, to Connect Africa, both taking a Catering Course, they called in at our office first to collect stationery. On the way Kodet was taken back to Faith High School. Tim travelled with them to collect papers from his relatives near Jinja to help obtain his National ID. They then travelled on to Iganga, took equipment and a bed to Derek who we are helping rent a small room. Derek has started work at a garage in the town, it begins as an internship but hopefully he will continue working there. Griffin came back with them and they arrived at George’s Place at midnight!
Peace and I went to George’s Place that day and spoke with Robert who finishes his hairdressing internship in Entebbe next week, he will then return to Malaba near the Kenyan border, where his grandmother stays and look for work in the town.
(Ivan phoned to say he has used all the material we took him, sold the clothes he had made and was returning to the market in Mbale to buy more, he also asked if we could buy him a table to cut out material -which I have agreed.) We then spoke with Young Brian who wants to go to St. Juliana High School in Gayaza, hopefully his Grade 2 results will be acceptable. Joseph (Yusuf) is thinking about doing a fashion and design course – we don’t seem able to find any sports academy/art school that will take him – really difficult as he knows where his talents lie.
Big Brian arrived back last weekend and stayed at GP until Thursday, his little boy is now 17 months old, Brian was asking for a loan, which we have given. It is the first time we have seen him for over a year.
On Thursday I went to the airport and collected Martin who has come for two weeks. On our way back we went to George’s Place as we were expecting the Health Inspector to carry out his inspection and the Hon. Juma came with him. They stayed for lunch and we hope we will receive our new Certificate shortly.
I met Peace at the office on Friday morning with Simon Peter and his mother. He has found a room to rent near her and will be riding his boda from a nearby stage, prayers please that he settles well in the area. Today, Saturday, Martin has gone with Tresor and Jessie to take Kasita back to school in Mukono, they had a long day and didn’t get back here until 9pm as the traffic was really bad. Kampala International Church had a day of prayer and fasting so I met with our ladies group in the morning.
It really has been a full-on week! So many blessings, some challenges but encouraging seeing our boys mature into caring, responsible young men. We are really thankful for all God is doing in these young lads lives. Most of the other boys return to school on Monday – I think the dogs will find it very quiet and probably won’t know what to do with themselves!
Thank you for all your kindness, love and support.
Love Jane x