4th June, 2017
Dear friends,
Yusuf, young Brian and Shaffick went for school interviews on Monday afternoon and they started at Maranatha Christian School on Wednesday this week. The other boys go to a different school, we would have considered sending all the boys to this new one but changing uniforms and unsettling them half way through the year would not be good. Dennis, Paul, Ronald, Brian and Simon Peter were all happy to return to their studies. Anton unfortunately has malaria so has been at home for a few days. The school year goes from January to December in Uganda. Some of the money raised at the ‘Quartets and Cake’ afternoon went towards this new terms school fees and requirements (each term – 12 exercise books, pencils, brooms, sets, 4 rolls of toilet paper, a ream of paper) plus uniforms, shoes and bags for the boys just starting (shoes have now been bought).
‘In the same way your father in heaven is not willing that any of these little ones should perish.’ Matthew 18 v 14
George’s Place is much quieter during term time, a good opportunity to get to know the newer boys. We are looking for the best way forward for Patrick, Derrick, Emma and Tony – the older three would probably all benefit from vocational training. Peace and I went one afternoon to look at a vocational centre near an industrial area of Kampala with boarding facilities, they train in welding, leatherwork, tailoring and hairdressing. We are seriously looking at our finances to see if Patrick and Emma can start the two-year welding course that they are interested in.
The boys were making a lot of noise outside my office window Friday morning and when I went to investigate Emma was at the top of the avocado tree knocking the fruit down – they then presented me with 8 large avocados to take home – need to ripen a bit!
The weather has turned hot which exhausted Peace and I when we did the market shopping Monday morning. Tresor came with us this week and looked after the car. I thought as there were fewer children around during the day they would eat less food but I’m not sure that is the case. The boys have had elections between themselves and we now have boys responsible for entertainment (mainly use of the TV), sports/games, spirituality, food distribution, cleaning etc. They are taking their responsibilities very seriously.
We enjoyed our usual visit to KK Beach this afternoon.
Thank you for all your prayerful support and encouragement.
Love and prayers.