11th June, 2017

Dear friends,
It seems to have been a peaceful week. All the boys are fit and well.  With nine of the boys at school from first thing in the morning until 5.30pm the house seems very quiet.  Patrick, Derrick, Emma and Tony aren’t nearly as demanding as Shaffick who really makes his presence known – I miss him calling into the office to see me every few minutes throughout the day now he’s at school. (Hope the teacher is coping!)

There doesn’t seem to be as many chickens around at George’s Place so I’m not sure if there has been extra meat one or two days – the chickens have been breeding really well and definitely like a space in the main office where we store the footballs and boots for hatching eggs.  William killed one of our chickens at home this week but I really can’t face eating them when we’ve had them for a while  and named them – I’m aware when one has been killed as the others go very quiet for a few days – probably changes the pecking order – I learn something new every day!

Jesus said ‘Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you’. John 14 v27

Over a year ago I met a Canadian artist at Retrak who works for Africa Inland Mission, Rhonda.  I ‘bumped’ into her the other Saturday whilst I was shopping in a supermarket in Kampala and I took her to visit George’s Place last Sunday.  Lots of the boys knew her, as they used to call into Retrak, especially Anthony who loves drawing and design, she is willing to come along on a Sunday afternoon to hold an art class and Diana a teacher, also from Canada, is coming along with her.  God certainly provides!

After writing at the beginning of the week that George’s Place was so quiet on Friday it was a Bank Holiday (Hero’s Day) and everyone was off school.  Tim and Sam took most of the boys swimming in the afternoon, Paul and Anthony stayed with me and we walked to buy a few DVD’s for them all to watch – they love Mr Bean, Charlie Chaplin and cartoons.  Saturday afternoon we paid our usual visit to KK Beach, lots of dancing and fun.

Tim (17) our first boy, who stayed with me for six months before the home was opened as he was ill, returned from his work placement in a hotel in Mbale, following his baking course and exams.  Tomorrow he is going to visit his uncle in Jinja for a week (he’s an orphan).  He seems so grown up now – his English is really good – he told me he had been offered work baking cakes in Mbale but he would really prefer to start up a small business on his own and be in Kampala.  We will obviously need to talk to him about this when he returns from visiting his uncle.  I’m so proud of him – he is such a good cook and has grown in confidence though not stature! 

Time seems to be flying by and only a few weeks left before I return to the UK.  Hopefully, the weather will be warmer there this time! Thank you once again for your emails, prayers and loving support.

