Sunday, 11th June 2023

Dear friends,

On Monday morning I travelled to Victoria to meet Ian and take him a laptop for Tresor and Benard to use at George’s Place. Ian was travelling back to Uganda that evening. The last laptop we bought in Kampala keeps having issues and it was thought advisable to buy a new one here. We also met up with my son, James, before Ian proceeded to Heathrow.

I have had some news from Homes of Promise this week, not much, but all is going well. Tresor has been assisting Simon Peter to get his National ID and they went on Monday to meet up with Simon Peter’s mother to help with the process. I was also sent photographs of Simon helping Gorette make chapatis. It’s really good that most of our older boys are very capable at cooking.

‘Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed,” says the LORD, who has compassion on you.’ Isaiah 54v10

Musa has left us. Tresor put him on a bus back to his father on Tuesday morning. Musa had visited his mother last month during the college holidays but on returning said he wanted to stay with his father in Mbale. We are concerned as we believe Musa may have some problems but obviously we had to comply with his wishes as well as consider all of our boys and the influence their peers have on them. Your prayers for Musa please.

Peace and Petra called at George’s Place on Thursday morning to talk with Dan. Peace is planning to visit Kayunga next week to meet the Probation Officer and Dan’s family to find out why he has come back to us as he had seemed well settled in school and happy being with his parents and siblings. There was also an opportunity for Peace to talk with Shaffick who is visiting for a week.

On Friday it was National Heroes Day and the younger boys had a day off from school. The plumber arrived as Tresor had planned for a sink and stand to be plumbed in under the outside tap, from the photos it looks like he had some help and advice!

The boys went to the football academy today, they enjoy themselves going there and also appreciate the talk they receive from the coach who always gives them a ‘word’ from a Christian perspective.

Tim and Patrick (our security man) were cooking lunch today as Halima was off work – everyone appreciated their efforts. It looks like Zimba might have liked a taste too!

Yusuf (Joseph) has been crocheting small ‘eggs’ which he is using to make into key rings. When I took him to the Kirabo Workshop recently one of the ladies showed him the technique, he always makes himself busy.

I’ve had messages in the last few days from Asaph, Ivan and Augustine, who like to text me regularly. I’m missing all the boys already but know and trust they are in God’s hands. Thank you for all your kindness, love and support.

Love Jane x