Sunday 25th February, 2024
Dear friends,
The weather has been wonderful this week – really hot! I travelled with Peace, Sam and Jessie to Nebbi on Tuesday, we arrived in the early evening. On Wednesday we met up with New Brian who finished his motor mechanics course at the end of last year and has been staying with his half sister, her husband and children since Christmas. Sam came with us as he comes from that area and was able to translate. Brian had found a room near the family which we have paid three months rent for. He is working in a garage and earning small amounts of money. We helped him buy a bed and gave him some extra money for a few necessities. His sister has offered to still be feeding him.
‘Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.’ Philippians 4 v6/7
We then travelled with Brian and his older half brother to Paidha, Zombo district near the DRC border, to meet his father’s family. Brian is a double orphan. I was upset to learn that his two older cousins had coerced Brian into signing away some of his land during Covid time and given him a small amount of money whilst they kept the millions! I asked to see the LC1 as I had a paper which all the family and I had signed in 2019, also the then LC1 had signed and stamped forbidding any of Brian’s land to be sold until he is 21 years. There were a lot of apologies – of course the cousins have moved away. I made it very clear that our lawyer would be involved if any more land was sold! It is not in the Ugandan culture for people to be assertive but Brian is still in our care under a Care Order from the Government and the land should not have been sold.
The road to Nebbi was really bad and Peace had phoned a friend and asked for permission for us to travel back through the National Park of Murchison Falls without paying, which was amazingly granted – we had to give all our names and car registration and we’re stopped three times and checked. It’s a new road 97k long and we were able to see buffalo, water buck, Ugandan cob, lots of monkeys, baboons and one old giraffe. There were trees and vegetation all along the road and we crossed the Nile over the new bridge, although it took us hours to drive through at 34k an hour it was so much better than the road we travelled on going. We stayed the night in Masindi and on our way back to Kampala called at Don Bosco’s to see Griffin and Joseph – I am so very proud of them both. Joseph has been offered a job with National Water when he finishes his course at the end of the year.
Young Brian, eventually went off to school on Wednesday. He had the interview with the headteacher on Tuesday, then a medical at our local clinic and get all his requirements sorted out.
The young boys went off to football this Saturday, which included some basketball and a devotion on valuing everything they have and mostly value those who are surrounding them with love. Peace and I attended Norah’s mother’s funeral at Namirembi Cathedral in the morning. The audit took place this week and we are preparing for the Management Meeting next Tuesday before I fly back to the UK on Wednesday for six weeks. It’s been a busy 6 months with so many blessings.
Thank you for all your love and support. We give God the Glory for all He is doing in these young lads lives.
Love Jane x