Sunday 16th July , 2023
Dear friends,
Last Sunday some of our boys went to play football after church as they had a school match. I spoke with them on Monday evening via Zoom and everyone had enjoyed the game – Joseph (Yusuf) had passed the ball to someone who then scored a goal, great excitement, thought their team lost! Joseph showed me the little ‘eggs’ he has been crocheting to make into key rings. He always has to be making something! I spoke to most of the boys but Dan was hiding and didn’t want to talk with me. He probably thinks I’ll ask some awkward questions!
Benard and Tresor have been visiting the boys in vocational college this week. Benard went to Don Bosco and saw Griffin and Joseph. Simon Peter went with him as he was at college there and wanted to see the staff and also collect a certificate.
‘Come, all you who are thirsty,
come to the waters;
and you who have no money,
come, buy and eat!’ Isaiah 55 v1
Musa who had returned to his father, arrived back at George’s Place on Tuesday but will need some counselling before we send him back to Don Bosco on the metal fabrication course. He has only been with us since last October but has found it difficult to settle after home visits, there is definitely a pull to return to the streets. Prayers for him please.
Tresor visited Hope International and the boys are all fine. It’s the last year for Ronald and new Brian in college, I think Robert and Ivan have another year before their courses finish. On the way back from visiting the boys Tresor met up with Augustine who is working on a building site and doing well. We like to check on our boys who are working, to make sure there are no problems.
Peace went to see Derek on his car mechanics course at Marjorine yesterday. Petra also visited Kodet on Saturday as it was his school visiting day. So a busy week for the staff, visiting our boys in college or boarding school. We sent Omoding pocket money as he has been visited recently.
Peace and Petra went to George’s Place on Wednesday to talk with Dan, he will be staying with us and going back to Little Angels school for the next few months until we have found out why he keeps running away from his parents home. Life is hard in the villages and food can be scarce, but Dan seems reluctant to talk to Peace and she has had difficulty connecting with the Probation Officer in Kayunga – we will need him to be involved in further discussions.
The younger boys enjoyed going swimming Saturday afternoon and I’ve arranged to talk with them on Zoom later today. I’m looking forward to seeing some of you next Sunday, to be sharing the way the Lord is working through our work and changing these young boys lives. Thank you for all your prayers, love and support of our project.
With love and prayers.
Jane x