27th February, 2022

Dear friends,

On Monday I travelled to Don Bosco in Bombo taking Asaph back to college. Zach drove us. I had spent the morning in the primary and secondary schools of Maranatha. There were a couple of problems with Kodet but on investigation, I found that one of the teachers had wrongly accused him of attacking boys in the dormitory at night. This problem was resolved and an apology was accepted.

Last Tuesday, Tresor travelled to Lugazi to take an overall for Derek and some hairdressing requirements for Shaffick as he will shortly be doing his DTI exams.

The boys at Hope are all fine and the new boys seem to be settling in well. I did receive a call from Ronald a couple of days later asking for new sandals – I’m getting good at sending mobilemoney on my phone!

‘Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.’ Matthew 6 v34

It’s been a busy week packing up things and getting ready for the big move to my flat tomorrow. Some of the older boys have helped me carry boxes and cases up two flights of stairs – it’s surprising how much one accumulates over the years and has been interesting to find things that had been in storage resurface.

I took Benard and the young lad receiving counselling to Wandegeya Wednesday afternoon, as he had another appointment. The traffic in the middle of Kampala was unbelievable and I couldn’t find anywhere to park so left them with money for a boda for their return journey and travelled back through areas I hadn’t been to for a couple of years – it was interesting to see how many of the roads had improved and how much building work had taken place. Kampala is getting very smart in parts!

Victor arrived home from school one afternoon to tell me he was now class monitor, he was so pleased – I told him I was very proud of him!

Sadly we will not be able to be sending anymore of the knitted ‘fish and chip’ jumpers to Uganda from May. We appreciate that Lynn has been collecting and sending these for shipment for many years now and we have been taking them to clinics and hospitals here but the expense, sending, collecting, storage and distribution take time and we feel we have to stop. Please continue sending any you have to Lynn until the end of May.

It’s Saturday and a nice sunny day – the boys will go swimming later. The older primary school boys go to school Saturday mornings and it’s quiet here as there are only about eight here at present, all busy doing their washing. It’s Benard’s weekend off and the two Julius’s are here for the weekend.

Yesterday I signed an Agreement for a new house for George’s Place which is all very exciting and I’ll tell you more about in the next couple of weeks – we will not move until the Easter holidays.

Thank you for all your love and support. God continues to bless our work and we give Him the Glory.

With love
